What Does UiPath Do? The Top 9 Features of UiPath That Make Automation a Breeze

What Does UiPath Do? The Top 9 Features of UiPath That Make Automation a Breeze

What does UiPath do?

UiPath is a leading global automation platform known for its powerful capabilities and user-friendly interface. Businesses can leverage its capabilities to streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and unlock valuable human potential.

What is UiPath?

UiPath is a class-leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software platform for automating and streamlining business processes. From process exploration to deployment and beyond, UiPath is the most comprehensive RPA solution on the market. Let’s explore what features and capabilities set UiPath apart from the competition.

Top 9 Features of UiPath

Here is a quick guide showcasing some of the features that make UiPath an industry leader, and our hands-down favorite at EnterBridge.

1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a transformative tool, reshaping how enterprises approach automation. By leveraging different technologies and seamlessly integrating them into a cohesive suite of functions and features, developers and non-technical end users alike can formulate, deploy, and administer software bots to replicate human interactions within digital systems.

RPA bots can execute tasks like interpreting screens, applying keystrokes, extracting data, navigating systems, and more. The best part is they’re fast, consistent, and accurate ensuring operations run without unnecessary interruptions or errors. 

Whether your need includes a single bot completing a simple sequence or an entire fleet of  bots working through complex multi-step workflows, we're confident we can help your business accomplish its unique goal with RPA.

Business Benefits of RPA

Businesses that adopt RPA tools are more profitable, versatile, and agile. RPA automates operational workflows, alleviating the load of repetitive responsibilities on personnel. Eliminating the busywork through thoughtful automation has also been shown to boost employee satisfaction, commitment, and efficiency.

As Mike Tacchetti, CIO of State Auto writes, RPA allows employees to unburden themselves from recording notes, navigating an internal website and triggering secondary processes, “...when they can be focusing on customer experience, servicing, or sales.” “We can peel out the highly repetitive work and let the [staff] do the more complex stuff.”

Here’s an overview of how UiPath RPA is transforming businesses.

  1. Global executives have recognized RPA's pivotal role in digital transformation, with 63% acknowledging it as a pivotal component, according to a Pegasystems survey.
  2. Deloitte reports unparalleled ROI, with an average of 20% of survey responders’ FTE capacity being performed by bots.
  3. RPA automatons adapt to fluctuating workloads fast, safeguarding operational stability even during periods of peak demand.
  4. RPA is associated with a 57% decline in manual errors, elevating the quality of data and reliability of processes, according to a Forrester thought leadership paper.
  5. RPA's impact on compliance is far-reaching, with 92% acknowledging its role in meeting or surpassing expectations, according to a Deloitte survey.
  6. A staggering 68% of the global workforce believes RPA tools integration will raise their productivity, according to a UiPath survey.
  7. According to the Forrester thought leadership paper, RPA contributes to a remarkable 57% surge in employee engagement, fostering a constructive workplace ambiance.


2. Centralized Repository

The centralized UiPath's Object Repository functionality revolutionizes the use of UI components across diverse automation projects. When using the Object Repository, users can integrate UI libraries into their applications, enabling the reuse of UI elements across projects.

Below are its main features:

  • Centralized UI elements: A single repository consolidates UI elements across projects, facilitating quick access and reuse.
  • Organized UI activities tab: Navigate UI activities seamlessly through the dedicated UI Activities tab within the Object Repository panel.
  • User-friendly drag-and-drop: Users can use the simple drag-and-drop function to add elements from the repository.
  • Reusability: Users can import UI elements across projects and reuse them, promoting efficiency and consistency.

3. Process Mining

UiPath's Process Mining enables thorough data analysis and provides an unparalleled understanding of complex business processes. The feature aids users in identifying automation opportunities, optimizing processes, and validating outcomes. This enhances operational excellence. 

UiPath Process Mining integrates with common systems and customized solutions, applications, and processes such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, SAP, and ServiceNow among others.

Let’s explore how UiPath’s process mining tool works:

Effortless Business Process Discovery: Process Mining automatically reveals an organization's business processes using its systems’ and applications’ digital footprints.

Strategic Process Streamlining: Process Mining goes beyond process steps analysis. Users can leverage it to streamline operations strategically through automation. This UiPath tool can pinpoint a process's steps, pain points, and bottlenecks to deliver optimal value.

Continuous Process Monitoring: Process Mining allows users to monitor the impact of automation across end-to-end processes using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Continuous assessment aligns an organization’s automation goals and offers an avenue for continual improvement.

4. AI and Machine Learning

Integrating UiPath’s AI and machine learning (ML) models into your automation strategies unlocks new possibilities. You can realize this with the UiPath AI Center. With UiPath’s AI and machine learning (ML) capabilities, you can incorporate pre-built models, AI solution templates, and third-party options into your automations regardless of your expertise. 

Flexibility in Model Selection

UiPath AI Center is flexible and can work with pre-built models or a user’s choice. The AI and Machine learning tools streamline the production and management of ML models, providing many deployment options and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

Effortless Integration

UiPath Studio's easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface makes AI integration seamless. Users can select and insert ML models into their automations for rapid testing and scalability. They can also monitor and improve model performance hassle-free using end-to-end data visibility.

Diverse Model Offerings

UiPath AI Center provides many pre-built models tailored to various needs like document understanding, language analysis, and image classification.

5. Business Process Modeling

UiPath's Business Automation Platform facilitates business process modeling and allows hassle-free integration of AI and RPA technologies. The platform combines robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) strengths to revolutionize businesses' innovation and operations. With UiPath’s business process modeling feature, you can accomplish the following:

Unveil Opportunities

The feature aids in comprehending every aspect of business processes, mapping workflows, monitoring conversations, and managing automation ideas. 

Automate and Innovate

The UiPath's Business Automation Platform uses UI and API to automate legacy systems, modern processes, and other tasks. The platform's low-code and visual tools help with rapid app and automation development. Its intelligent document processing eradicates manual document handling.

Enhance Collaboration

UiPath bridges the gap between human and digital workers, promoting smarter decision-making and collaborative efforts. The integrated platform allows collaboration through various deployment options like cloud-native SaaS or self-hosted solutions.

6. Screen Scraping

UiPath’s screen scraping feature allows users to extract crucial data efficiently from various UI elements and documents like PDF files. UiPath provides many screen scraping methods, such as:

  • The FullText method: is fast, accurate and reliable. 
  • The Native method: thrives in extracting text position and hidden text.
  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition): offers a wider application range, especially with applications like Citrix. UiPath uses two OCR engines - Google Tesseract and Microsoft Modi - enabling a comprehensive approach.

You can opt for whichever screen scraping option best fits your needs. Users can fine-tune scraping processes and methods on the fly, selecting options like ignoring hidden text, extracting screen coordinates of words, and inverting colors for improved OCR accuracy.

7. Citrix Automation

UiPath's native integration and advanced capabilities enable users to tap into the full potential of Citrix for efficient and secure automation. The integration supports effortless automation through UiPath's AI Computer Vision and the UiPath Extension for Citrix. This enables the automation of complex applications within Citrix virtual environments.

The Native UiPath Activities simplify Citrix environment management, automating key tasks across the lifecycle for seamless operations processing like deployment and shutdown. Users can also deploy software robots on Citrix to embrace a virtual workforce and maintain centralized governance to boost productivity and data protection.

8. API Integration

UiPath API integration offers the following:

Wide User Range

  • CoE/IT
  • RPA/App Developers
  • Citizen Developers

Connector Catalog

Users can pick from an extensive catalog to automate workflows across Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, SAP, ServiceNow, and more. ChatGPT integration for enhanced capabilities allows citizen developers to streamline business processes like order-to-cash and contact-to-lead management.

AI-Powered Enhancement

Users can use OpenAI Connector to boost automation for text generation in sales, marketing, and customer support. They can also quickly deploy custom, Jumpstart, and AWS Marketplace models within a secure, enterprise-ready platform.

9. Exception Handling

Exception handling in UiPath Studio enables developers to create resilient and dependable automation workflows. Users can take advantage of the stock error handling capabilities, or develop custom solutions to ensure automation processes execute smoothly despite unexpected errors or exceptions.

Its key features include the following:

  • Try-Catch: The Try-Catch activity enables users to confine a sequence of activities within a "Try" block. If an exception occurs during execution, it's caught and handled in the associated "Catch" block. This prevents abrupt workflow termination.
  • Throw and Rethrow: With the "Throw" activity, users can intentionally raise exceptions to signal specific conditions or trigger alternate workflows. "Rethrow" lets users re-propagate a caught exception to a higher-level handler for refined error management.
  • Retry Scope: This activity provides a structured way to handle transient errors by allowing users to define a specific number of retries for a block of activities. 
  • ContinueOnError Property: This property can be configured at the activity level. When enabled, it ensures that even if an activity within a sequence fails, the workflow continues execution, bypassing the failing activity. 
  • Global Exception Handler: UiPath Studio allows users to set up a central point for handling exceptions occurring anywhere in the workflow. 

Put the Features of UiPath to Work

UiPath capabilities revolutionize automation and empower organizations to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and drive innovation.

Need help navigating UiPath and implementing automation? EnterBridge can help!

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